Marketing PLR Articles

Marketing PLR articles

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This Marketing PLR pack contains 52 articles:

Article Information

Advantages and Disadvantages of Viral Marketing608 words
Attraction Marketing797 words
Brand Manager Job Description750 words
Business Marketing735 words
Business to Business Marketing Ideas1299 words
Communication Process for Viral Marketing971 words
Creative Marketing Ideas624 words
Developing a Marketing Plan776 words
Difference between Marketing and Public Relations629 words
Diversification Strategy641 words
Effective Small Business Marketing Strategies1210 words
Green Marketing Ideas723 words
Guerrilla Marketing Examples708 words
How to Market your Business on Facebook782 words
How to Market Your Invention793 words
How to Promote a Business653 words
How to Sell Anything684 words
Importance of Marketing648 words
Importance of Product Packaging in Marketing910 words
Marketing Environment1068 words
Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents411 words
Marketing Ideas for Retail Stores692 words
Marketing Management Concepts869 words
Marketing Promotion Ideas688 words
Marketing Promotion Methods592 words
Marketing Proposal Outline860 words
Marketing Strategies and Tactics676 words
Marketing Strategies that Work863 words
Marketing Vs. Advertising599 words
Niche Marketing Examples698 words
Niche Marketing Ideas709 words
Product Differentiation862 words
Product Life Cycle Stages888 words
Product Placement in Digital Media1007 words
Rapport Building Tips785 words
Sales Techniques605 words
Small Business Marketing Ideas728 words
Small Business Marketing Strategies705 words
Successful Marketing Campaigns525 words
Successful Marketing Strategies951 words
Successful Marketing Techniques625 words
Tips for Tea Marketing804 words
Twitter Marketing Strategy for Business791 words
Types of Guerrilla Marketing850 words
Types of Marketing1164 words
Using Facebook for Business Marketing610 words
Viral Marketing Strategies668 words
Viral Marketing Tools921 words
What is a Target Audience704 words
What is Marketing758 words
What is Niche Marketing644 words
What is Reverse Marketing841 words

Pack Information:

Marketing PLRMarketing PLR Pack
File zip1-300x300 (articles in txt files)
Number of articles52
Price of individual articles$1
Bulk discount?Yes, 35% off if you buy the FULL pack.
($33 instead of $52, save $19)
Sold in part?Yes. To request individual articles click here.
CompetitionThe competition for this pack is currently VERY LOW (as of March 2025). Click here to learn how many people have this pack or part of it.

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